Current State of Crypto with smac from Compound

Current State of Crypto with smac from Compound

A few takeaways from this conversation:

— Early crypto applications were challenging to use and primarily attracted tech enthusiasts and speculators. Over time, the technology matured, making applications more user-friendly and broadening the user base. While there’s still a long way to go, the maturation of the technology also led to a shift in focus from speculative gains to building durable and sustainable businesses.

— A significant issue in the crypto space is the short-term focus of many projects, prioritizing quick liquidity events, like token generation events (TGEs), over long-term business building. This emphasizes the importance of founders who are serious about building lasting companies rather than those looking for quick gains.

— Market cycles heavily influence behavior in the crypto space. Bull markets attract a lot of attention and speculative projects, while bear markets tend to wash out less-committed participants, leaving behind those genuinely interested in the technology. smac notes that bear markets often lead to better quality projects and more serious builders.

— Events like the FTX collapse and the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) crisis reinforced the importance of self-sovereignty and distrust in traditional institutions. Compound's belief in the growing importance of self-sovereignty extends beyond financial institutions to healthcare, education, and data institutions.

— Compound looks for founders who are serious about building their companies and have a long-term vision. They value founders who are thoughtful about their projects and not just looking for quick liquidity.

— How crypto can be applied in areas like distributed energy and healthcare data. We also highlight the potential of decentralized physical infrastructure networks (Deepin) and decentralized science (DeSci) as promising areas for future investment.