Venture Capital Curmudgeons Club with Eric Paley of Founder Collective

Venture Capital Curmudgeons Club with Eric Paley of Founder Collective

— Capital has no insights
Eric argues that venture capital alone doesn’t solve business problems, and having more capital doesn’t necessarily lead to better outcomes.

— Compounding value vs. negative value
The importance of building companies that compound positive value over time, rather than scaling prematurely and compounding negative value. Funding should primarily be used for experimentation and scaling proven business models, not for scaling unproven ideas, because it’s easy to compound negative value if you’re not paying attention to the right things.

— Vanity metrics vs. intrinsic value
The industry often focuses on vanity metrics like growth rates and valuations, rather than building long-term intrinsic value and durable businesses. The venture capital industry’s incentive structures often encourage behavior that may not be in the best interest of building sustainable businesses. It’s important to maintain a long-term perspective on building value, rather than getting caught up in short-term growth or fundraising cycles. In many tech businesses, there are often diseconomies of scale rather than economies of scale as companies grow.

— Playing the game on your own terms
CEOs and founders are ultimately responsible for making disciplined decisions about resource allocation and scaling. While entrepreneurs can’t completely ignore the “game” of venture capital, they should focus on building value on their own terms rather than getting caught up in comparisons or unrealistic expectations.